Sleep series: How do you know if you are getting enough sleep?

Sleep is incredibly important. Especially when working out hard in VR everyday. As a rule, eight hours or so of uninterrupted sleep is a must to keep our bodies and minds functional.

Sleep series: How do you know if you are getting enough sleep?

The importance of good sleep

Sleep is incredibly important. Especially when working out hard in VR everyday. As a rule, eight hours or so of uninterrupted sleep is a must to keep our bodies and minds functional. But if your life is busy, you have a particular amount of stress going on, or you simply aren’t able to get the rest you need, that’s when your sleeping habits can have a serious impact on your daily life,

If you’re used to running on caffeine and a few hours of sleep a night, you might not even know that you aren’t getting enough rest to scrape by. So, how do you know if the sleep you’re getting is enough? These signs and symptoms are a great way to identify unhealthy sleeping habits and bring them under control:

Signs that you might not be getting enough sleep

As you might expect, one of the first signs of sleep deprivation is fatigue. If you’re not getting enough sleep, it’s no surprise you’re going to feel tired and more lethargic than usual. But there are plenty of other symptoms to watch out for if you’re unsure if you’re getting enough rest. The Healthline say that a weakened immune system – getting sick more often – is also one of the warning signs of low-quality sleep.

When you’re at rest, your body can replenish and repair itself with higher efficiency. If you don’t have that downtime, every part of your body, from acne-prone and dull skin to your mood and behaviour, can be affected. There are many warning signs that you aren’t getting enough sleep, even if you think you’re getting in that full eight hours. Listen to your body, and you’ll be able to identify those signs far more quickly.

Signs that suggest you’re well-rested

So, there are plenty of signs for not getting enough sleep – but what about the well-rested amongst us? If you’re unsure if your sleep habits are good enough, and you’re struggling with identifying the adverse side effects, seeing if the positive effects of sleep are there is another approach to take. Generally, if you’re getting good sleep, you should be falling asleep within 30 minutes. You should also awake feeling well-rested. On days where you don’t have obligations, seeing when you wake up naturally after falling asleep at a set time can also indicate the quality of your sleep.

How can I improve the quality and amount of sleep I get?

If all signs are pointing towards low-quality sleep, then your aim should be to improve your rest wherever possible. Sleep deprivation, especially in the long-term, can lead to a range of different health problems – including mental health issues. Being more knowledgeable about your sleeping habits should be step one in the learning process. Keep a sleep log and follow your sleep patents for trends.

Finally, reducing stress and removing electronic devices from the bedroom can help. Though we know, that’s easier said than done for many people.

If you want to know if you’re getting enough sleep, keeping an eye out for those warning signs and staying vigilant is the best thing you can do. For those with chronic sleep issues, it’s also a great idea to speak to a medical professional in addition to taking personal steps to improve your rest each night.

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Enjoy Simulators!