How VR, AI, and Lidar Could Streamline Architectural Design

Last week I had a passing a chat with an architect, having been in property for 15 years in my early life, I have a deep understanding of an industry that hasn't changed really since the days of CAD and the 2HB pencil.

How VR, AI, and Lidar Could Streamline Architectural Design
How VR, AI, and Lidar Could Streamline Architectural Design

Last week I had a passing a chat with an architect, having been in property for 15 years in my early life, I have a deep understanding of an industry that hasn't changed really since the days of CAD and the 2HB pencil.

I immediately thought that there has to be a faster and cheaper way of designing houses, extensions, even master planning. So thinking on my feet I told him my ideas, but what ensued was a 30 minute discussion and pushback on why this would never catch on. To add context, the individual identified himself as an architectural "technologist".