How to incorporate regular VR exercise into your daily routine

A busy schedule, lack of motivation or an ever-changing routine can quickly lead to exercise falling by the wayside. But as an essential part of what keeps us healthy and happy, you don’t want to miss out on getting in a little bit of fitness time each day.

How to incorporate regular VR exercise into your daily routine
How to incorporate regular VR exercise into your daily routine

We're all soooo busy!

A busy schedule, lack of motivation or an ever-changing routine can quickly lead to exercise falling by the wayside. But as an essential part of what keeps us healthy and happy, you don’t want to miss out on getting in a little bit of fitness time each day.

How can you incorporate regular exercise effortlessly into a daily routine? It’s easier than you might think if you start on the right foot. Here are some pointers to help you find your groove when it comes to a daily exercise routine:

Make exercise into one of your daily habits or rituals

Generally speaking, all those little things you do every single day could be considered a habit. Brushing your teeth, for example, or making that first coffee of the day. Turning exercise into another one of those automatic things that you do every day can go a long way.

Habits are consistent, and they’re easy – and that’s exactly what you want out of your exercise. Whether it’s twenty minutes on Supernatural VR in the evening, or quick blast on Pistol Whip  as soon as you get up the morning, it's whatever works for you. Building those habits is what makes exercise easy as part of your daily routine.

Make time specifically for exercise

A packed schedule is an easy way to talk yourself out of exercise. If you don’t have the time, how could you fit a half-hour or movement into your calendar?  

According to the Mayo Clinic, fitting in 150 minutes of fitness a week is a must for your health. One recommendation is to block off time in your diary or calendar specifically to exercise. This means you’ve committed yours specifically to that activity – the same way you would a meeting or appointment. By making exercise time non-negotiable, it’s hard to make an excuse that you don’t have the time.

Go for short bursts over long fitness sessions

If you can’t find the time to incorporate a full fitness session into your day, bite-size chunks of movement are the way to go, so five-minute breaks several times a day and you're good-go-to.

You’re still getting that all-important workout time, but it’s not all condensed into one spot. You could even split your full day’s workout into short morning, lunch and evening sessions to further maximise your time. Ten minutes three times a day is still thirty minute’s worth of exercise, after all.

It’s easy to fool yourself into thinking exercise won’t fit into your schedule. But in reality, making that additional push is precisely what’s needed to slot in some fitness time every single day. By ensuring there is dedicated time for getting that movement in, you can ensure a healthier life – without ever feeling like you’re wasting or losing time.

Whatever suits your lifestyle, starting or breaking in a fitness habit is the best call for you, start thinking about how you can implement exercise today.

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