A Virtual Reality Game with hidden health benefits

Years ago when I was a kid, I used to love going to games arcades, not for the penny slot machines, but for games like Table Tennis, Table Football, Space Invaders and my all time personal favorite, Air Hockey!

A Virtual Reality Game with hidden health benefits
A Virtual Reality Game with hidden health benefits

Years ago when I was a kid, I used to love going to games arcades, not for the penny slot machines, but for games like Table Tennis, Table Football, Space Invaders and my all time personal favorite, Air Hockey!

They had Air Hockey in one of the arcades at Southend On Sea which was pretty close by, so I would always be badgering my parents to take me there and have a game with my father, who secretly, was a fan too I think! Waiting for the table to become free though, was a real test of patience!

Since launching Simulation Magazine, all manner of people have been in touch to tell me about new games that they're developing, but a chance connection on our new Instagram page this week had me really excited. Christian Perri, the Indie Developer behind Air Hockey VR got in touch to say Hi.

Christian told me that Air Hockey VR is still in beta mode, so I have not had the chance to test it yet, but from the video (below) that he sent me, shows real promise for upper body aerobic fitness.

Air Hockey has always been a game that tests both your mental dexterity and physical ability, and could have obvious benefits to people with impaired lower body limbs, people in a wheelchair or someone with a lower limb injury in recovery etc.

What I particularly like, is the fact that you can play against the game or as a multi player with your friend(s), so this is also a great way of connecting people together, especially if you know someone else with a similar injury or issue.

Let's be clear, Christian has developed this as purely a game, but I am always looking at health benefits and how movement can be used to help certain mobility probelms. My Own Product Get PIPxr does just that.

So, in conclusion, and as the title of the blog points to, Air Hockey VR certainly comes under the "Games with hidden health benefits" catagory.

Christain tells me he intends to launch on Oculus and Steam sometime in 2023, and with other potential channels later down the line.

I can't wait to test the real thing!

You can check out Christain's Air Hockey VR website here and follow and suppoprt him via his Discord and social channels.